Book Review: Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel

Although I knew absolutely nothing about this book prior to reading it, I was fully hooked from the first page on, which I genuinely did not expect. I wish there was a way to discuss this book without spoiling too much of the plot, but I will do my best to reveal as little as possible:
Set in a rather ambiguous location and time period, Beatrice and Virgil tells the tale of a disheartened author named Henry who by chance of fate happens to receive a letter from a very mysterious taxidermist, who insists he is in need of the writer's help. Although hesitant at first, Henry soon becomes lured in to the strange world of taxidermy, befriending a donkey and howler monkey named Beatrice and Virgil along the way. Through his complex interactions with this odd, yet vaguely recognizable world, Henry comes to startling realizations that permanently alter his life.
Throughout this book Martel artfully weaves in beautiful poetic and descriptive language, and even creates stories within stories, all of which completely captivated me (part of the reason it was so hard to put down). Even more than that though, these literary techniques forced me as a reader to critically reflect on every single passage. Each page was teeming with imagery and symbolism, and moral imperatives that were simply impossible to ignore. The motif of duality constantly presented itself in this book, from character personalities, surroundings, and decisions made, which played well into Henry's greater search for truth in the world around him. For me this book was highly unpredictable, and while the ending was certainly not what I expected, I appreciated how it forced me as a reader to actively reflect on all I had just read, and its implications on my own life. At the end of the day, Beatrice and Virgil is a mesmerizing novel that speaks to the importance of storytelling, along with the redemptive power in confronting the truth, in all of its ugliness. In a world that so frequently tries to grapple with the relevance of truthfulness, this novel certainly speaks to this struggle in a way that almost anyone could relate to.
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