Book Review: Insurgent by Veronica Roth

Genre: Sci-Fi
Ages: 13 and Up

                  This book was really good. Though I must say, not as good as the first. It just didn't have the new excitement that you find in the first book of a series. But, nevertheless, this was a very well-written story. I was always guessing about what would happen next and never found myself in a dull moment. Once again Veronica Roth has presented a captivating story with a memorable plot line.

                 After managing to survive the brutal Erudite attack, Tris finds herself in the Amity compound, not knowing what to do next. She wants to fight for her fallen faction, and for all those who are suffering around her, but doesn't quite know how. But soon she finds herself once again on the run, and then into the Abnegation sector of the city. Slowly, a plan begins to form in her mind, one that will risk her relationships and maybe even her own life.

Have you read Insurgent before or another book similar to it? If so, tell us what you thought about it right here at Reading Soup or on my Google Plus profile page! Was it good, or bad? What was your favorite part? Would you recommend it to other readers? It's always a pleasure to hear what you have to say about different books! Have a nice day, and keep on reading!

- The Soup Chef
