Book Review: Crossed by Ally Condie

Genre: Sci-Fi
Ages: 11 and Up

              I read the first book in this series back in May, and I thought it was pretty good. But this book was even better! It had me at the edge of my seat in most parts, and it kept me guessing. I also liked how Condie rotated the narrator of the story from Cassia to Ky, that way I could understand how both felt and what they were going through. With adventure, romance, and mysteries, Crossed is the perfect book for any reader looking for an escape! Just make sure you read the first book before hand!

             Cassia and Ky, have been separated and now find themselves living under terrible conditions. But before they know it, they become closer than ever before. They do anything it takes to find each other: risking their lives while forming new friendships, following rivers, and climbing canyons. Along the way both discover shocking secrets, and continue to learn what the true meaning of love is.

              Have you read this book before? If so, tell us what you thought about it right here at Reading Soup or on my Google Plus profile page! Did you think it was good or bad? What was your favorite part? Would you recommend it to other readers? It's always a pleasure to hear what you have to say about different books! Have a Merry Christmas, and keep on reading!

 - The Soup Chef
