Book Review: The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Genre: Historical Fiction
Ages: 10 and Up

            This is the final book in the Little House on the Prairie series. I personally thought it was okay because there wasn’t much action in the story and during the times that there was it wasn’t really described in detail. Later I found out that this book was written by Laura Ingalls Wilder before she died and she never had any intent of publishing it so it never was edited. For this reason it lacked some detail but overall I’d say it was a good book.

            Laura Ingalls has moved out of her family’s little house on the prairie and is now living in her own little house with her husband Almanzo Wilder. They farm, have a child, raise animals, and face many other challenging experiences as a young family. Throughout all this, Laura and Almanzo hold onto their pioneer spirits and use it to fuel the rest of their journey.

Have you read this book before? If so, tell us what you thought about it right here at Reading Soup or on my Google Plus profile page! Was it good or bad? What was your favorite part? Would you recommend it to other readers? Do you know any good books similar to it? It’s always great to hear your opinions about different books. Have a great day and keep on reading!

- The Soup Chef
