School's in Session!
A lot of kids will be starting school this month, and it can be a nervous and exciting time! You get to go back to school shopping, see all your friends again, and start all over with a clean slate. The first couple weeks of school can also be a great time to start reading again if you've been pushing it aside over the summer. Feel free to check out books in your local public library, or your school's library if it has one! See if you can find books about people, places, or topics that interest you. Or try experimenting with new genres and authors, to see if your taste might have changed over the summer. I personally love to pick a suspenseful book for when school starts so I'll be more excited to read and see what's next. Reading is a great hobby that you can really benefit from in the long run. So start this school year the right way: with a good book, and a smile on your face!
- The Soup Chef
(P.S. Do you need reading or writing advice? Feel free to ask me about it right here at Reading Soup or on my Google Plus profile page! It's always a pleasure to hear from you guys!)
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