Book Review: Farewell to Manzanar by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston

Genre: Historical Fiction
Ages: 10 and Up

            This book was very good. It takes place during World War Two, just after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. It tells of the hardships that Japanese Americans faced during that point in history. A lot of people don’t know much about what these people went through, but this story really helped me see it. I recommend this book to anyone who like historical fiction, or anyone who just wants to read a good book.

            Jeanne Wakatsuki was seven years old when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. At the time, she didn’t really understand what was happening. All she knew was that her family was moving to a new place. A place called Manzanar. She didn’t know why everyone hated her, but they did. Now she is forced to make the best out of her new circumstances, no matter what happens.

            Have you read this book before or another one similar to it? If so, tell us what you thought about it right here at Reading Soup or on my Google Plus profile page! Please include your name, the title of the book/author (if it is not Farewell to Manzanar), what you thought about it, what your favorite part was, and anything else you think readers might want to know about this book. It’s always a pleasure to hear what you guys have to say about different books! Have a great summer, and keep on reading!

- The Soup Chef
