Well, There's Always Next Time!

Hi Everyone!!!

        It's me, The Soup Chef here! As some of you may know, I tried to do this thing called a "Poem-A-Week" where every week for the entire summer I would post poems and biographies about famous poets. But due to the fact that I started late and have been busy, it was not able to continue. There is always next time though so next time around I will plan to have another thing similar to it! And I will be more prepared this time around! If you have any ideas, thoughts, or opinions you would like to share about the "Poem-A-Week" program, please feel free to tell me here at Reading Soup, or on my Google Plus profile! I would really like to make the program more successful next time and could use some help. After all, there's not usually only ONE cook in a soup kitchen! Have a great school year everyone and keep on reading and visiting Reading Soup often for more fun!!!

Sincerely Yours,

The Soup Chef

(P.S. I hope you like the funny comic I found!)
