Book Review: Feathers by Jacqueline Woodson

Ages: 9- 13
When I first chose this book, I didn't really know what to expect of it. But after I finished reading it, I thought that it was very good and well-written. The characters were interesting and the author did an amazing job at describing the scenes and people in the book. Woodson really made the images from the story come to life in my mind. I think that both boys and girls will enjoy this book just as I did.
Frannie doesn't have much hope left in her after all that she and her family has been through. But then one day in class a new boy who everyone thinks looks like Jesus shows up. He's very different from the rest of the children and has this strange sort of calmness to him that makes her best friend Samantha (who's a pastor's daughter) think that he actually is Jesus.
Frannie doesn't really think so though. She just thinks that he's an ordinary boy who just looks like Jesus. But when she starts to hang out with him more at school and at the rec center, she starts to realize that he isn't as perfect as Samantha and her classmates think he is. Will she be able to finally find the hope she's been looking for through this not-so-perfect Jesus boy?
Have you read this book before? Well, if you have, please tell me what you thought of it right here at Reading Soup! Was it good or bad? What was your favorite part? Would you recommend it to other reader's? It's always great to hear your thoughts and opinions. Have a great summer!
-The Soup Chef
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