Reader Recommendation

Hello Bookworms! I've just received another book review from one of our readers on Because of Mr. Terupt. Here is what they had to write about it, "Because of Mr. Terupt is a wonderful story that will make you cry. It is full of love and sadness. This story is about seven kids who are dealing with friendship and  family problems. They struggle through with each other AND with the help of their WONDERFUL new teacher, Mr. Terupt.  Travel through this book next to Danielle, a sweet Christian girl who lives on a farm with her family; Jessica, a girl who just moved from California because her parents divorced; Peter, a kid who is tricky and mischievous, yet always has fun with his friends; Jeffry, who is very quiet and hates school; Alexia, a bully about whom no one knows anything about her past; Luke, a VERY smart boy; and Anna, the girl whose best friend can't be friends with her anymore because her mother was pregnant with her at age 16.  WARNING! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO READ WITHOUT A BOX OF TISSUES CLOSE BY!" 

If you have read this book before or have read any other great book that you would love to share with me, just tell me about it right here at Reading Soup! What was it about? Was it good or bad? What was your favorite part? Would you recommend it to other readers? It's always great to hear your thoughts and opinions about things! Happy Memorial Day!

-The Soup Chef
